Helping Your Pup Overcome Rainy Day Potty Problems

2023-04-12 17:08:16 By : Mr. Lane Cao
Training, Puggle Problems, Pet Training, Rain, Puppy Potty Training, Crate Training.

Dog Training Pee: Solutions for Rainy Days with Puggle Problems
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As a puggle owner, you know that they are undoubtedly one of the most lovable dog breeds out there. Unfortunately, your puggle may be acting a little high maintenance when it comes to rainy days. While other dogs happily do their duty in the rain, your puggle is having none of it. If you're tired of fighting with your dog just to get them to pee during a rainy day, it may be time for some new training tactics. Read on to discover some solutions for rainy-day potty training for your beloved puggle.

Why Won't Your Puggle Pee in the Rain?

First and foremost, let's take a look at why your puggle is refusing to pee in the rain. There are many reasons why your puggle may be acting this way. Some dogs simply don't like the rain, while others are afraid of the noise that comes along with thunder and lightning. Additionally, the rain may be too cold or too wet for your puggle's liking. In some cases, it may even be a behavioral issue that requires more attention and training.

Regardless of the reason behind your puggle's unwillingness to pee in the rain, there are a few things that you can do to encourage better behavior and help them overcome this problem.

Solution #1: Puppy Potty Training

One of the most effective ways to teach your puggle to pee in the rain is by focusing on their puppy potty training. Start by choosing a designated area for your puggle to do their business in, whether it's inside on a puppy pad or outside in a particular area of your yard. By teaching your puggle to associate this area with potty time, they'll become more comfortable with it, even in the rain. Remember to praise your puggle when they do use the designated area, giving them verbal affirmation or even a treat.

Solution #2: Crate Training

Crate training is an excellent way to help your puggle learn to hold their bladder for longer periods of time. When it's raining outside and your puggle is refusing to pee, use a crate or playpen area to keep them contained. When they're inside the crate, they will be less likely to distract yourself with other things and hold out until the rain has passed. And, as soon as it stops raining, take your puggle outside to their designated potty zone immediately.

Solution #3: Indoor Training

Another option is to try doing indoor training on rainy days, if your puggle is still a puppy it may take longer to train them. Place a puppy pad in an area that is easy to clean, and encourage your puggle to use the pad instead of going outside. This can also be useful if you live in an apartment where it's difficult to go outside, and your puggle is still adjusting to a new changed environment.


While rainy days may seem like the worst when you're a puggle owner, there are plenty of ways to help your dog overcome their aversion to the rain. By focusing on potty training, using crate training or indoor training, and offering plenty of positive affirmations and treats, you can help your puggle get over their potty-time anxiety, regardless of the weather. Always stay calm and positive during training, and remember that with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, your puggle will eventually learn to love the rain (while staying dry and comfortable at the same time)!